Pre rally bonus.

I wanted to permanently wire in the disco light before the Asphault Adventures rally this weekend.

The rear stereo had power to it, and a switch connected to it by the drivers seat would be the perfect place to wire in the light.  I dropped the rear panel to gain access to the wiring


and out fell two fifty dollar bills!


They had a 1990 date, were dried out and had been up there for a long time.   After this discovery I unbolted all the other panels I could find but didn’t find any more hidden treasure.

With the change I found throughout the van when I cleaned it out, and this $100. The $500 van was less than $400.

Nice and dry.

After 2 days of beautiful weather exploring the Pine Barrens, the rain moved in.  It is nice to have a dry bed in the back of the van. 


As I am listening to the rain come down, I wonder how everyone in their tents are doing. 


Made it to Harrisonburg, VA

After getting yesterday’s coolant issues resolved we hooked up with Gregg and Kevin’s teams for a caravan to Virginia.  We pulled in after 11:00 to a wonderful collection of crap cars.  It was a cold night, I was glad the heater was working and  I didn’t have to bypass it yesterday.  Here is a view of some of the cars we will be rallying with. morning day 0

Leaking antifreeze on Day 0

I had been feeling pretty good about the shape of the van.  I was up planning to finish off the theme, and do some packing today. Oh and find some cup holders. 🙂

I warmed up the van and found a puddle of antifreeze under the front bumper.  Not good.  LeakUpon further investigation  it looks like the heater valve is leaking.  It should be a stocked item at the parts store so before I bypass it or dump some stop leak in, I’ll try and replace it.

Good thing we are leaving later.